All parents of children enrolled at the Center are automatically members of the Child's Day Parents Advisory Committee (PAC) which promotes communication and fellowship among parents, management, teachers, and staff. The mission of PAC is to create the richest possible environment to promote the learning, health and well being of all of the children at Child's Day.
Notices of monthly PAC meetings are posted in advance and extended child care is available.
Learn about and sign up for Child’s Day Volunteer Opportunities.

The Child’s Day PAC works to:
- Provide professional growth opportunities for staff to enhance their teaching skills.
- Provide a forum for the exchange of information among parents by facilitating communication between the parents and the school's faculty, staff and administration.
- Organize programs and activities designed to foster a strong sense of community among the parents, children, faculty and staff.
- Provide a means for parents to be of service to the school, encouraging parent support and participation in the life of the school.
- Provide parenting learning opportunities.
- Act as a welcoming resource for new families.
- Demonstrate PAC's appreciation to faculty and staff throughout the school year.
- Maximize the learning, well-being and enjoyment of our children through enhancement of their environment.
- Generate revenue to support the PAC's principles and mission.